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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Web 2.0 and Library 2.0: What Librarians Need to Know

One important chapter that we have read this semester is in Courtney. The first chapter Web 2.0 and Library 2.0: What Librarians Need to Know by Elizabeth L. Black, does a great job of defining what Web 2.0 actually is. We are introduced to Tim O’Reilly who is credited with coining the term “Web 2.0” states that “Web 2.0 is the network as a platform, spanning all connected devices; Web 2.0 applications are those that make the most of the intrinsic advantages of that platform: delivering software as a continually-updated services that gets better the more people use it, consuming and remixing data from multiple sources, including individual users, while providing their own data and services in a form that allows remixing by others, creating network effects through an architecture of participation” and going beyond the page metaphor of Web 1.0 to deliver rich user experiences”(p2).

O’Reilly gives us seven principles of Web 2.0. These principals are the web as a platform, harnessing collective intelligence, data is the next Intel inside, the end of the software release cycle, lightweight programming model, software above the level of a single device and a rich user experience.

Examples of Web 2.0 include blogging, wikis, tagging, social networking, library thing, and mashups.

Black, E. L. (2007). Web 2.0 and library 2.0: What librarians need to know. In Courtney, N., Library 2.0 and beyond: Innovative technologies and tomorrow’s user (1-14). Westport, Connecticut: Libraries Unlimited.

Hardware for Educators

The most useful chapter that I read this semester was Shelly's Hardware for Educators. While I believe myself to be very technologically savey, I did not have a basic understanding of hardware. I can manipulate software programs, and I can, with time, figure out and implement Web 2.0 such as voki, twitter, etc. I could not however, explain what a byte was, identify the system unit, or have any basic understanding of the difference between memory and RAM. In fact this has been very embarrassing to me at times, when I have called or talked to someone about issues with my computer, and have problems interpreting the language that the truly technological are using.

Now, based on the reading of this chapter, I can tell you that a byte is a basic unit of storage of memory, and a terabtye is 1 trillion bytes. The system unit is in different parts of a computer, depending on what type you have (its purpose is to house the electronic components of a computer). I understand that a processor is the same thing as the central processing unit. Memory is used to store data and information while RAM (or Random Access Memory) is found in some memory chips. RAM is important, because the more RAM you have, the more programs you can run at one time.

This chapter filled in many gaps that I had in my knowledge of computers.

Shelly, G. B., Cashman T. J., Gunter, R. E., & Gunter, G. A. (2008). Hardware for Educators. In (5th ed.), Teachers discovering computers: Integrating technology and digital media in the classroom (201-249). Boston: Course Technology Cengage Learning.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Last Week!

I always like to find lesson plans that I can implement. I will be talking to my school librarian this week in order to find a book that I can use in order to implement the following idea. I like the idea of the pizza. Its visual, which can help many of my students with learning disabilities.

1. What one thing did you learn, and what will you do differently as a result?

I have really become more interested in the different types of technologies that are available to persons with disabilities. I had no idea that there were so many assistive technologies that come in so many different price ranges, and different levels of applicability. This will lead me to think differently about how to meet the needs of students with disabilities in my classroom.

2. Do you plan to recommend this tutorial? If so, please elaborate.

I will recommend this tutorial to the special educators at my school. I also already sent the link to the technology specialist at my school.

3. Do you plan to read or recommend some of the Recommended Reading books or add them to your collection? Will you link our LibraryThing list to your blog? If you have a book recommendation or have read one of the books that does not include a review, please send us your own review so we can share it.

It was interesting to see the book list. I have read a few of the books already on the list including A Child Called It, Flowers for Algernon and The Giver. I will definitely check a few of them out over winter vacation in order to expand my reading repertoire! I have placed the link on my blog.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I was unable to invite someone into my classroom to teach my class, but I did find a video on United Streaming called “skills for healthy living: Dealing with disabilities” This is a good way to introduce diversity into a classroom. It even includes a section about relating to peers with disabilities.

My “Local” Center

The disability Resource Center
409 Progress Street
Fredericksburg, VA

The dRC is one of 16 Centers for Independent Living in Virginia providing four core services:
• Independent Living Skills Training • Peer Counseling
• Information and Referral • Advocacy
Additional services include:
• Deaf and Hard of Hearing • Benefits Assistance
• TAPLoan program • Seminars
• Work Incentive assistance for Social Security beneficiaries who want to work • No Cost recycled durable medical equipment
• Children and Youth Services • Support Groups
• Community Action Specialists • Workshops
• Personal Assistance Service Facilitation • Nursing Home transition assistance
Free, confidential services are provided regardless of disability or age

5 Useful Websites

Blog on the topic of assistive technology, eLearning, mind mapping, project management, visual learning, collaborative tools, and educational technology

Website which reviews assistive technologies that are available for all types of learning disabilities. You can also purchase the technologies from this site.

Outlines the types of assistive technologies that are available from Microsoft. The site. provides demos and tutorials of the technologies.

This site provides many websites that provide helpful information for families and students affected with a disability.

“We are an informational site whose mission is to promote uniting the disabled with adapted computers through the use of assistive technology devices. Disability - articles, short stories, and link exchange; links to assistive technology computer furniture, software, and input/output devices; computer therapy; nursing home realities; message board; news; links; and resources”. Equality Technology