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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Module #3 Software

icommunicator is a really cool software package that can be used by deaf or hard of hearing students. It is pretty impressive that an educator can speak into an amplifying devise, which will in turn translate the words into text AND the words into video sign language. Having this type of technology would keep all persons with a hearing disability able to communicate with anyone they run into in the world.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking also had an interesting demonstration of a voice recognition program for students or persons who have difficulties typing.

Performance Statement: Assistive Technology Software

Sarah J. Gobe


Inspiration Software, Inc.


(1 pt.)

(2 pts.)

Exceeds Expectations
(3 pts.)





-graphic organizers

-concept maps

Good Things

-assists students with organization

-assists students with writing

-kid friendly

Not So Good Things

-requires extensive preparation for teacher

- extensive training needed for students

Total Points: 10 Points/12 Points

Kurzweil 3000

Kurzweil Education Systems


(1 pt.)

(2 pts.)

Exceeds Expectations
(3 pts.)




- Easily use Kurzweil 3000 at home or on other non-school computers.

- Save files and user settings — saving files on the USB flash drive enables students to have ready access to their important files regardless of what computer they are using.

(from site)

Good Things

-Reads to students

-word prediction

-can use on word documents

-can leave speech bubbles

can be used on the web

Not So Good Things

-distracting to students

-extensive training for students needed

Total Points: 9/12

1 comment:

  1. I agree about the coolness factor; what about the other software for the week?
