Get a Voki now!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Module #3 Software

icommunicator is a really cool software package that can be used by deaf or hard of hearing students. It is pretty impressive that an educator can speak into an amplifying devise, which will in turn translate the words into text AND the words into video sign language. Having this type of technology would keep all persons with a hearing disability able to communicate with anyone they run into in the world.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking also had an interesting demonstration of a voice recognition program for students or persons who have difficulties typing.

Performance Statement: Assistive Technology Software

Sarah J. Gobe


Inspiration Software, Inc.


(1 pt.)

(2 pts.)

Exceeds Expectations
(3 pts.)





-graphic organizers

-concept maps

Good Things

-assists students with organization

-assists students with writing

-kid friendly

Not So Good Things

-requires extensive preparation for teacher

- extensive training needed for students

Total Points: 10 Points/12 Points

Kurzweil 3000

Kurzweil Education Systems


(1 pt.)

(2 pts.)

Exceeds Expectations
(3 pts.)




- Easily use Kurzweil 3000 at home or on other non-school computers.

- Save files and user settings — saving files on the USB flash drive enables students to have ready access to their important files regardless of what computer they are using.

(from site)

Good Things

-Reads to students

-word prediction

-can use on word documents

-can leave speech bubbles

can be used on the web

Not So Good Things

-distracting to students

-extensive training for students needed

Total Points: 9/12

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Module #2

Assistive Technology Hardware Solutions

Through the reading and activities this week, I have been able to find many hardware technologies that are useful for a classroom and library environment. I have become aquainted with many technologies that are easily available for educators including talking calculators, oversized keyboards and computer aided note taking devises.

In order to implement technological accommodations to students with a visual impairments, I could use technologies such as a hi-rez monitor, glare guard, or oversized monitor.

In order to implement technological accommodations to students with an auditory impairment, I could use a computer aided note taking devise, amplified hearing devises or a personal translator.

In order to implement technological accommodations to students with attention difficulty, I could use various technologies such as white noise generators, oversized monitors, task organization software and interactive white boards.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Discovering Assistive Technology Module 1

Types of Disabilities and Accommodations

I checked out the website for the National Federation of the Blind. It was interesting to me to think about how I would adjust my classroom if I were educating a blind student. I have taught hard of hearing students, and had to adjust my teaching style for them, but I would struggle to make the accommodations necessary for blind students. The NFB would be a great resource for teachers. It provides information from a list of recommended toys, to newspapers, to training programs to meet the needs of blind students.

I found the Job Accommodations Network interesting. You can search the site by disability or by topic, and they provide a list of recommended accommodations for persons in the workplace. Of particular interest to me, is that they had pregnancy on the list of disabilities!

I finally checked out the National Center for Learning Disabilities, which I think is a great resource for inclusion teachers. I am dual certified, and was still able to find interesting information from effective teaching practices to hints on monitoring student progress. Great resource!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Thing #23

Through 23 things, I have been exposed to many new types of technology that will apply to me in my teaching and library careers. My favorite finds were Google Reader,Voki, RollyO, and Zoho. I wish that there was a second step to this program that I could pursue independently. It is a great way to stay in touch with new technologies that are available to librarians and educators. I have shared the course with many friends and family, and hope that they find the things as useful as I have.

Thing 22 Audio Books

I found a bit hard to navigate, but a great resource for libraries and teachers. Being able to find FREE books online, opens a whole new world of resources.

I wanted to share another site that I use often in my classroom My students look being able to hear books read by actors, and it gets them extra excited about what they are reading.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thing #21 Podcasts

I love podcasts! I spend many hours of my life in a car driving, and so podcasts are a great way for me to spend my time. I love being able to find podcasts based on my current interests, and being able to get that information on my "free" time.

I found some podcasts that I haven't listened to before. They are SMARTBoard Lessons Podcast. This is perfect for me as an educator, because they talk about many of the resources I have in my classroom: smartboards, clickers, computers, etc.

It was very easy to place this podcast into Google Reader.

Thing #20 You Tube

You Tube is a resource that can be used for various purpose included how to do certain activities, catching up on current news and issues, and of course, for entertainment purposes. I tried searching for Conan the Librarian, and then found myself distracted watching Weird Al videos.

I posted an episode of Mr. Bean, as he goes to the library. :) It seemed appropriate for the class.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Thing #19 Library Thing

Library Thing is a nice place to get information on books that you like, or are concidering reading. It has reviews, shows popular books, and can give you valuable information on the books you are interested in purchasing or reading. It also provides a nice list of recommended books based on the books you are looking at.

Thing #18