Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thing #9
Thing #8
I have really enjoyed becoming familiar with RSS on google reader. While I have recognized the symbol before, I had no idea what it was, or how to use it. This assignment was slightly addicting, as I kept wanting to look for feeds to subscribe to, and then went to all of the websites that I go to regularly, to see if I could use RSS through google reader. RSS could be used for school or library websites, as a way for students to access specific information. Personally, I will be using google reader on a daily basis now that I have been exposed to it.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Thing #7
Thing #6 retrievr
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thing #4
Thing #3
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Thing #2
I found the 7.5 Habits of Successful Lifelong Learners to be very interesting. Too often in life, we become passive about our own learning, and these habits can help individuals to focus and become more active in their own learning.
The habit that I think is the easiest for me to stick to is Habit #6: Use technology to your advantage! I have grown up with technology available for me, and when I have simple to difficult information needs, I have been able to solve these needs quickly with the use of technology. I am also fortunate enough to be a quick technological learner. Even when I am not completely sure how to use resources, I am usually able to do so quickly.
The habit that is the hardest for me is Habit #3: Viewing problems as challenges. The second something goes wrong, I get disheartened. I need to change my attitude, and realize that every problem has a solution, and finding that solution will be valuable for me in the long run.
My first exposure to “23 Things” has been positive, and I look forward to learning more about Web 2.0.